LLAW President’s Letter- Fall 2021

LLAW President’s Letter- Fall 2021- Happy Fall! 

Change. Hundreds, if not thousands, of quotes profess the benefits of change for growth and innovation and countless other reasons.   But frequent change and reactions to those changes can make one weary. So, as we enter another season where leaves are changing color and falling and temperatures are cooling, I suggest we take a deep breath and focus for a bit on what is constant, consistent, and comfortable.


As law librarians we are drawn to the profession because we like to help. We find joy in assisting others in solving a problem or finding an answer.  LLAW members are consistent sources of knowledge, assistance, and service.  We support our students, faculty, staff, attorneys, paralegals, and patrons.  Our members are a constant support and font of knowledge for each other.  There is good in being constant and consistent.


As we welcome new members to our group, we are reminded of what it is like to be new to a job or group and how everything seems in flux and one’s brain is being bombarded by inputs from all directions.   LLAW is blessed with members who “know the ropes” and have been steadfast in their association involvement.  These members can help newer members feel comfortable, guiding them to engage in our association and the wider profession.


Speaking of change and engagement.  This year the Board is working on upgrading our communication and outreach platforms.  Our new website is up and running, check it out – https://www.llawisc.org/. We are also working to transition our newsletter to a blog format allowing for more frequent communication and decreased workload for the newsletter editor.  We welcome suggestions on the website and will be looking for members to write content for the blog.


Wisconsin’s change of seasons is a constant – four seasons, every calendar year, with variations of days of unexpected warmth or cold or rain or snow.  The fall and winter are my favorites, they bring soup making and baking season. A list of soups (comfort foods) is on my agenda for the fall, filling the freezer for quick meals until April or May. 


As we navigate change in our personal and professional lives, our workplaces and the wider world, take a deep breath and find the constant and comfortable.  Change requires energy, deep breaths help provide that energy.


Happy Fall!


LLAW President, 2021-22