LLAW Newsletter
- August 2024
- InsideTrack article: Laura Olsen and Kris Turner. Legal Research 101: Tips to Jump-start Your Research and Use AI
- 2023-2024 Committee Reports
- July 2024
- RIPS blog: Jenny Zook. You are NOT alone: Tips for Balancing Career and Caregiving Duties
- June 2024
- InsideTrack article: Bonnie Schucha. Research 101: Tribal Law
- Bonnie Schucha. Integrating Tribal Law into the Legal Research and Writing Curriculum: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies
- RIPS blog: Jenny Zook. Work Engagement and the Library Professional
- May 2024
- InsideTrack article: Carol Hassler, State Law Library. Legal Research 101: Treatment Courts
- April 2024
- RIPS blog: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library. Trauma-Informed Law
- InsideTrack article: Wendy Smith, Marquette University. Legal Research 101: Understanding Judicial Misconduct and Disability in Wisconsin
- March 2024
- RIPS blog: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library. With Age Comes Wisdom…For Some of Us: A Reflection on Ageism
- InsideTrack article: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library. Medical Malpractice and Health Care Provider Liability Resources
- February 2024
- Wisconsin Lawyer: See Laura Olsen’s (Quarles & Brady) insights on Artificial Intelligence in Wisconsin Legal Research Trends 2024
- InsideTrack article: Carol Hassler, State Law Library. Legal Research 101: Selling a Small Business or Firm in Wisconsin
- December 2023
- InsideTrack article: Sunil Rao, UW Law library. Wage Theft Resources.
- 2023-2024 2nd Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
- 2023-2024 2nd Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
- November 2023
- InsideTrack article: Deborah Darin, Marquette University. Legal Research 101: Municipal Law.
- RIPS blog: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library. The Robot Who Wrote My Homework Suggests a 4th Law.
- September 2023
- President’s Letter – Liz Manriquez
- InsideTrack article: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library, Legal Research 101: Insurance Law Resources.
- 2023-2024 1st Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
- 2023-2024 1st Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
- August 2023
- Meeting Minutes – Executive Board Special-Kick Off- Goal Setting Meeting
- InsideTrack article: Carol Hassler, State Law Library, Legal Research 101: 7 Sources for Planning Probate.
- July 2023
- WI Bar Association RIPS blog: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library, The Reference Desk Robot Will See You Now…Hugs Not Included . Jenny took the keynote message of Charles Vogl, “The Art of Community” from the AALL conference to heart and wrote about the dwindling of in-person reference desk requests.
- June 2023
- 2022-2023 4th Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
- President’s Letter – Amy Crowder LLAW President
- 2022-2023 Annual Committee Reports
- InsideTrack article: Elana Olson, Marquette Law Library, Legal Research 101: Employment Discrimination Law
- May 2023
- Wisconsin Bar’s Communications Committee lists LLAW water contributions in the annual recognition of writing excellence.
- 2022-2023 4th Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
- InsideTrack article: Wendy Smith, Marquette University, Legal Research: Fair Housing and Racially Restrictive Covenants in Wisconsin Deeds
- April 2023
- WI Bar Association RIPS blog post: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library, How to apply the Wisconsin Idea – As a Committee Chair. A post on LLAW collaboration with the Wisconsin Bar Association.
- AALL Spectrum: Wendy Smith, Marquette University, Navigating your Institutions Accessibility Review Processes (with Vendors in Tow) (May/June 2023)
- InsideTrack article: Liz Manriquez, UW Law Library, Young Lawyers Series: 5 Essential Tips for New Lawyers and Summer Associates
- March 2023
- 2023 LLAW Election Results
- 2022-2023 3rd Quarterly Board Meeting Minutes
- 2022-2023 3rd Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
- InsideTrack article: Amy Crowder, State Law Library, Legal Research 101: Estate Planning Resources
- January 2023
- 2022-2023 2nd Quarterly Business Meeting Minutes
- November 2022
- Congratulations to everyone at the Wisconsin State Law Library and the Office of Judicial Education for receiving a Legal Innovator award from State Bar of Wisconsin. Bonnie Shucha, UW Law Library
- October 2022
- InsideTrack article: Carol Hassler, State Law Library, Researching Private and Public Businesses, Specialized Industries
- InsideTrack article: Liz Manriquez, UW Law Library, Legal Research 101: Election Law Resources
- September 2022
- President’s Letter. Celebrating 40 years of LLAW; Brainstorming the Future . Amy Crowder LLAW President
- InsideTrack article: Elana Olson, Marquette Law Library, Water Law: Public Trust Doctrine Resources
- August 2022
- InsideTrack article: Emily Gellings, LegalResearch 101: Municipal Ordinances
- July 2022
- InsideTrack article: Wendy Smith, Marquette University, Resources for Seeking Expungement of Criminal Conviction and Arrest Records
- June 2022
- InsideTrack article: Carol Hassler, State Law Library, New Lawyers: Grow Your Practice by Reusing Knowledge
- 2021-2022 Committee Reports
- President’s Letter. Maureen Burns LLAW President
- May 2022
- Getting to Know… Amy Crowder
- InsiderTrack article: Jenny Zook, UW Law Library, Researching Wisconsin Water Law
- InsideTrack article: Liz Manriquez, UW Law Library, Securities Law Resources
- Congratulations to Shawn King, UW Law Library. Shawn was elected to the TS-SIS Executive Board 2022-2023 as Vice-Chair/ Chair Elect.
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- October 2021