Hello LLAW Members,

I had the opportunity to attend my first in-person AALL conference in July thanks to a grant from LLAW. The conference was the first chance for members to gather since 2019 and I benefited by connecting with other local chapter leadership.


Each year, AALL invites incoming chapter vice presidents and presidents to participate in an all-day chapter training. Liz Manriquez, LLAW Vice President, and I attended. The day was organized into breakout sessions with the morning’s focus on membership engagement, attracting new members, volunteerism, and creating community and space for members to express feedback. We heard from one chapter that hosts monthly meetings, which the group agreed was “too many”, and other chapters which host a smaller annual conference, who felt that was too infrequent to develop a sense of community. Other chapter leaders appreciated LLAW’s quarterly schedule with a combination of virtual and in-person meetings. We all agreed that a combination of continuing education and fun, social activities are the most attractive to members.


I had a bit of trepidation about the afternoon’s breakout session. Prior to the conference, chapter leaders were reminded to bring their chapter’s strategic plan. I asked myself and other chapter members, does LLAW have a strategic plan? The question led me to consult the LLAW manual, website, and past minutes. Ultimately, wanting to complete my homework, I drafted a working strategic plan based on AALL’s and LLAW’s Articles of Incorporation. My worries about the afternoon were quickly abated when other leaders shared they do not have a strategic plan or a mission statement. Ironically, by admitting this, we were building a sense of community.


LLAW was founded 40 years ago and much has changed in the legal landscape since then. Help us celebrate this achievement at our First Quarterly Business Meeting this Thursday. Carol Bannon, a founding member of LLAW and President in 1987, and Bonnie Shucha, 2003-2004 LLAW President will share about the original creation of LLAW, major accomplishments, and the challenges faced by leadership in adapting to an ever-changing profession. Members will have an opportunity to learn about LLAW’s past, offer feedback, and start helping to plan for the future. How can LLAW best serve our members and the greater Wisconsin Community?


I hope you can attend this Thursday’s meeting. If you have not yet registered, please use the Zoom registration link below to R.S.V.P. Can’t make it to this meeting or want to share an idea anonymously?  We would love to hear your thoughts on the LLAW mission and values, new initiatives or strategic goals, outreach plans, or any other ideas you have for making LLAW a more meaningful association for our community.  Submit your ideas here: LLAW Brainstorming Ideas Suggestion Box.


Happy 40th Anniversary LLAW!


Amy Crowder

LLAW Chapter President


REGISTRATION for 1st Quarterly Business Meeting Thursday, September 15th at Noon. Please use this Zoom registration link to R.S.V.P.   – https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIoduGsqzMoG9QLbNpO6XbD_uFXSY6ulr65